Because of the death of squall and C is the that there is a problem .

Why and how to die???? You say that it is a loop , but at the very beginning of this loop there avai no ultimecia (if the latter is well linoa as you pretend) because it is after the death of squall that the loop starts!! And why the story does not reiterate that a few hundred year later ??

Ps: (small message quickly made has kyr) it is useful to remmetre in cause of the hypothesis if this allows you to better understand , this is called Be fan and I do not think that Yggdrasil contradira me!!
Linoa is ultimécia.All element of the scénar concord, but I draw just the attention on the evidence that it is leave for the understand. Squall gives his ring has linoa ds the CD 2. Outside this ring can be renowned. If you made, the G force of ultimécia (which is symbolized by the bushing.) will take this name.....outside linoa only has the ring of squall, symbol of this gf...and this fact, if the name of CHRONOS changes according to what has been written to the CD 2, C is the evidence that linoa is well ultimécia.

What is more, when a geyser sends the spirit of linoa ds the past with the power to ultimécia(its power) toward the body of Adel; this maneuver fails: the evidence we is precisely to give by the fact that linoa retains its limit break canonization, symbol of its state of sorcié, it is normal that this manoeuvr fails, because if a geyser was successful, linoa would no longer have its limit break, but that more have, it would no longer be a sorciére...Therefore, ultimécia would never be born, because its power is would be dissolved ds the past, the Or geyser is censser having send...and the loss of its power, means the death of a sorciére.....and precisely as it does not, (linoa having still its limit) this Is an additional index, (in addition to the evidence of the ring), that linoa is ultimécia.

Finally the death of squall ds the final scene is the éxplication of why linoa became a bad sorciére...(the sorciére becomes bad when their Chevalier die)...which is the case: squall dies at the end. But it is back to life by the love of linoa (the main subject of FF8: Love.), this fact, linoa avoids his fate tragic that it took the "First Time"...precisely because the event of FF8 are a repetition of the tragedy which has led linoa has its transfo in sorciére, Drama avoided by the résuréction squall has the final scene...the loop of the time is "déboucle", and the latter resumed its normal court. At the end of the game, linoa is therefore the most powerful éxistante sorciére, and we also know that it will live longer than squall.( the end of the game ends therefore on the assumption of what will happen to this couple who has avoided its tragic destiny of by the violent death of squall.)

Good, I can not éxpliqué everything here, but it is the same for the flaw temporal: ultimécia cannot kill themselves if it kills linoa, because the temporal flaw is precisely a merger of the past, the present and the future, resulting in the destruction of the Universe....They thus does not have there more of "time" within the meaning logic of the Therme, saw that past, present and future do not exist more....of the coup, linoa may well die, ultimécia will continue in this new universe on which she shall reign as a god.

Finally for this which is squall, it has simply forgotten: The gf make us forget our past as it is é^xpliqué DS the game. This combined with the fact that the sorciére vive on several hundred years, linoa will have had all the time to forget her Knight, plunging may a little toward a dark madness the pushing has reigned in master on the universe.
Ultimécia is precisely the symbol that a be Angélique(linoa) may, because of the LOVE( death of squall) become the most abominable of entity....once again, the evidence is given by the ring that one little Rename, the index éssentiel left by the concépteur game on the true identity of linoa, is, therefore, one of the main scénaristique rollover.

Excused my error for the second topic: the power of ultimécia does not dissolve, it will ds the body of the young Adel..(which does not change anything, STV that the operation fails when same...but it is just history to be more clear.)^^^^^lol
What is more, when a geyser sends the spirit of linoa ds the past with the power to ultimécia(its power) toward the body of Adel; this maneuver fails: the evidence we is precisely to give by the fact that linoa retains its limit break canonization, symbol of its state of sorcié, it is normal that this manoeuvr fails, because if a geyser was successful, linoa would no longer have its limit break, but that more have, it would no longer be a sorciére...Therefore, ultimécia would never be born, because its power is would be dissolved ds the past, the Or geyser is censser having send...and the loss of its power, means the death of a sorciére.....and precisely as it does not, (linoa having still its limit) this Is an additional index, (in addition to the evidence of the ring), that linoa is ultimécia.

Finally the death of squall ds the final scene is the éxplication of why linoa became a bad sorciére...(the sorciére becomes bad when their Chevalier die)...which is the case: squall dies at the end. But it is back to life by the love of linoa (the main subject of FF8: Love.), this fact, linoa avoids his fate tragic that it took the "First Time"...precisely because the event of FF8 are a repetition of the tragedy which has led linoa has its transfo in sorciére, Drama avoided by the résuréction squall has the final scene...the loop of the time is "déboucle", and the latter resumed its normal court. At the end of the game, linoa is therefore the most powerful éxistante sorciére, and we also know that it will live longer than squall.( the end of the game ends therefore on the assumption of what will happen to this couple who has avoided its tragic destiny of by the violent death of squall.)

Good, I can not éxpliqué everything here, but it is the same for the flaw temporal: ultimécia cannot kill themselves if it kills linoa, because the temporal flaw is precisely a merger of the past, the present and the future, resulting in the destruction of the Universe....They thus does not have there more of "time" within the meaning logic of the Therme, saw that past, present and future do not exist more....of the coup, linoa may well die, ultimécia will continue in this new universe on which she shall reign as a god.

Finally for this which is squall, it has simply forgotten: The gf make us forget our past as it is é^xpliqué DS the game. This combined with the fact that the sorciére vive on several hundred years, linoa will have had all the time to forget her Knight, plunging may a little toward a dark madness the pushing has reigned in master on the universe.
Ultimécia is precisely the symbol that a be Angélique(linoa) may, because of the LOVE( death of squall) become the most abominable of entity....once again, the evidence is given by the ring that one little Rename, the index éssentiel left by the concépteur game on the true identity of linoa, is, therefore, one of the main scénaristique rollover.

Excused my error for the second topic: the power of ultimécia does not dissolve, it will ds the body of the young Adel..(which does not change anything, STV that the operation fails when same...but it is just history to be more clear.)^^^^^lol

I would add, finally, that the designer of FF8 as well as the dirécteur scénaristique éxpliqué have them same that following the fabulous design of Tetsuya Nomura, they had them same decided to change the history to make linoa the central element of the scenario,(to the side of squall) the character around which revolves the history...
I just read this article very interesting even if perso it m has not learned great thing but has to justify what I thought by against i do sui not agree on two thing the fact that elonne avai been gathered as a result of the death of its parent for the estate of ADEL (it seems to me that precisely these ETAI person the sister of Laguna elonne therefore is the niece this to explain why she Apelles often uncle Laguna , it will be necessary that I reverifie but i sui pratiqument on!!)
I would add, finally, that the designer of FF8 as well as the dirécteur scénaristique éxpliqué have them same that following the fabulous design of Tetsuya Nomura, they had them same decided to change the history to make linoa the central element of the scenario,(to the side of squall) the character around which revolves the history...
I just read this article very interesting even if perso it m has not learned great thing but has to justify what I thought by against i do sui not agree on two thing the fact that elonne avai been gathered as a result of the death of its parent for the estate of ADEL (it seems to me that precisely these ETAI person the sister of Laguna elonne therefore is the niece this to explain why she Apelles often uncle Laguna , it will be necessary that I reverifie but i sui pratiqument on!!)
2nd thing it says "in its great psychological weakness, Laguna, could not take care of a child (which would put more and risk its willingness to become a journalist and travel), is forced to leave it to good care of Edea, to the orphanage. II y place also Ellone"
Then ca This is really not the style of Laguna to pass his profession before his family , I rest on my position when I say that the Laguna does not ETAI not aware that Raine had acoucher a bebe who is not death has the birth as it was of the make him believe (I think has of the guys of estar ) of more ellone it cannot send elonne and squall has the orpholinat since it was captured by the troops of estar (for the experience of Geiser)
Otherwise on the rest I agree!!!
By against you raise an interesting question that I had not made gaffe: Laguna has 27 years Yes, but when? In the memories of ellone that it plans to squall (very likely) or in the present has Esthar. Remember especially of one thing: in the RPG there is never enough early. The kids of 6to35 years save the world c is well known!
But good, I would also like to say that squall, any orphans that it is a name of the family diférent that of Laguna and that I find strange the fact that we have been able to him a doner name as CA if he is the son of Laguna just for the hide ... CT of a side he would have been able to seek his parents? M finally happy as it is jvoi the kind of reunion ... not ca Paré me not clear, but I think vrément not that Laguna is the father of squall.
These things are c SJT o Bou a time in an RPG, FF1 to aujourdui it was still su important things such as CA during the game ...
Then at the base of at base, from where this theory?
Has the origin, to the creation of the first version of the game, only three characters had been programd to be playable either: cloud (which at the time had black hair as Zack and called Ster), Barret and Aerith.
It was therefore unthinkable to see the young Florist perish, at the end of the CD1.
Then came the other wire in needle, including Sephiroth which at the origin, should be part of the group (as a brother of Aerith, in a first time, then first small-friend, before leaving this place to Zack), followed of CID, Red XIII (Nanaki), CAIT Sith and Yuffie.
The game was therefore especially supposed to turn around of avalanche, struggling against the company Shinra, harmful to the planet, before to toggle Sephy in the wrong camp and to include Vincent in the place.

And for Tifa now?

Well, you may not be aware, but it was added at the very last moment.

And for reason, because it is on a whim of Tetsuya Nomura that all this was done.

In effect, being already well advanced on the project, Square could not afford to include a new character in the final result, especially a young girl, likely to steal the show from the daughter Rose.

So one day, during a telephone conversation, he failed the idea to kill Aerith, to be able to remedy the situation and make Tifa (alias Ionia, at the time) a bracket for cloud, in order to help it to overcome, this trauma.

(small anecdote, in passing, yes, the names Seifer and Linoa, Final Fantasy VIII, are inspired by STER and Ionia, initially planned for this opus)

Cruel? Perhaps, but in any case, the facts are there:

Aerith should not die.

(And I would also add not in the CD1, but that is another story)

Ca, is one thing.
Then, many believe that according to some references that we can find a opus to the other, the latter should logically come back to life.
And there above, I am not in agreement.
Aerith... has t-it genuinely in need of such a setting in scene? Let us be honest.

Currently, it does more than one with the "River of Life" and is capable of the influence, since the other side.
The spirit of Zack is with it also... and Cloud has finished by Find The smile, at the end of Advent Children, after having lost.
And then, it is not as if it was really part not more: it is everywhere, in reality.
When it has desire to communicate with Cloud, believe me, that it knows how to do:
It is omnipresent and premium, she knows everything X)
(the more so as it is already appeared physically before cloud, at the end of Advent Children, in the company of Zack, before leaving...)
In short, this is my verdict, on this matter.
"You see? Everything is arranged. Mouse..." - A.G
Zack would not be death: the man who is dying

Final Fantasy: Various theories, deepening and my opinion concerning ~.
This theory may seem crazy and is virtually discredited today, but is based on a fact rather disturbing, which him, unexplained remains to this day:
The dying man, in the Slums of Midgar. Who is this man?
And well nobody knows precisely and its history does not seem to take the road, of what is known about him.
Because it would be a number.
These are in fact the marks affixed by Hojo, on the experiences that he has led to Nibelheim, either, the hometown of cloud, after its destruction by its nemesis.
And apart from perhaps the true Sephy, which could be the first, those of front have not been tattooed (on the faces in Crisis Core), the thirteenth being Nanaki, which completely out of this context.
Knowing that of all the victims of this attack, only cloud and Zack do not seem to have received, are considered "failed" by the scientific...
(which is in fact not the case, at least, for the blond)

Bah there it is said: let fall then, this is not him.
But there is another detail that fact that this story is not consistent: the number of inhabitants in the flash-back Cloud.