the death of squall and C is the that there is a problem .

Why and how to die???? You say that it is a loop , but at the very beginning of this loop there avai no ultimecia (if the latter is well linoa as you pretend) because it is after the death of squall that the loop starts!! And why the story does not reiterate that a few hundred year later ??

Ps: (small message quickly made has kyr) it is useful to remmetre in cause of the hypothesis if this allows you to better understand , this is called Be fan and I do not think that Yggdrasil contradira me!!
Linoa is ultimécia.All element of the scénar concord, but I draw just the attention on the evidence that it is leave for the understand. Squall gives his ring has linoa ds the CD 2. Outside this ring can be renowned. If you made, the G force of ultimécia (which is symbolized by the bushing.) will take this name.....outside linoa only has the ring of squall, symbol of this gf...and this fact, if the name of CHRONOS changes according to what has been written to the CD 2, C is the evidence that linoa is well ultimécia.

What is more, when a geyser sends the spirit of linoa ds the past with the power to ultimécia(its power) toward the body of Adel; this maneuver fails: the evidence we is precisely to give by the fact that linoa retains its limit break canonization, symbol of its state of sorcié, it is normal that this manoeuvr fails, because if a geyser was successful, linoa would no longer have its limit break, but that more have, it would no longer be a sorciére...Therefore, ultimécia would never be born, because its power is would be dissolved ds the past, the Or geyser is censser having send...and the loss of its power, means the death of a sorciére.....and precisely as it does not, (linoa having still its limit) this Is an additional index, (in addition to the evidence of the ring), that linoa is ultimécia.

Finally the death of squall ds the final scene is the éxplication of why linoa became a bad sorciére...(the sorciére becomes bad when their Chevalier die)...which is the case: squall dies at the end. But it is back to life by the love of linoa (the main subject of FF8: Love.), this fact, linoa avoids his fate tragic that it took the "First Time"...precisely because the event of FF8 are a repetition of the tragedy which has led linoa has its transfo in sorciére, Drama avoided by the résuréction squall has the final scene...the loop of the time is "déboucle", and the latter resumed its normal court. At the end of the game, linoa is therefore the most powerful éxistante sorciére, and we also know that it will live longer than squall.( the end of the game ends therefore on the assumption of what will happen to this couple who has avoided its tragic destiny of by the violent death of squall.)

Good, I can not éxpliqué everything here, but it is the same for the flaw temporal: ultimécia cannot kill themselves if it kills linoa, because the temporal flaw is precisely a merger of the past, the present and the future, resulting in the destruction of the Universe....They thus does not have there more of "time" within the meaning logic of the Therme, saw that past, present and future do not exist more....of the coup, linoa may well die, ultimécia will continue in this new universe on which she shall reign as a god.
 knew that Bartholomew Estheim was the father of a the Co. But those who knew were there, somewhere. It was probably mounted on board a vessel for supplies to go unnoticed.
"Once it will be there, we will ensure that you can find in a location to the gap. "
"Thank You… Thank you very much. "
"You do not need to thank me, but we must hurry. We must take advantage of the confusion on the landing runway so you can escape. "

ell that we are not of the kind to abandon you.
They were beaten so long together that they knew what each thought and wanted to say. She was certain that the other wanted to bring them back. But simple humans were not in a position to bring the CIE crystallized to life. And it was not a question of breaking the pillar which bore Cocoon…
Could they save without arrive there? Or was it possible to destroy this pillar without damaging cocoon? What it is, the technology currently available to them would not allow them to achieve it.
She was going to have to look for a technology that their would give the power. There should be something that could help them, concealed somewhere on Gran pulse. Or then, a hidden index in a book.
When they came for the first time, they had sought a way to get rid of their brands of the CO. But they were returned to cocoon the empty hands.
 There were still so many places that they had not yet visited. It would perhaps be what it was seeking. The only problem is that it was no longer a the Co. Gran Pulse abounding of monsters of all kinds, and he was not going to be easy to deal with them. The trip would be long.
In all cases, she could not leave Snow The accompany. He had to take care of Serah, make her happy. Lightning turned to the eyes toward the couple, who was walking in front of her.
It was not so long ago that this, it considered that it was she who was responsible for Serah. It is further recalled the days where she took his hand fragile in the Siena when they strolled. It was now time to leave this responsibility to someone else. But this time was already far… snow had already taken, it had simply not realized.

At the beginning, she thought that he was a man of words. But without that it realizes, its words the encouraged, the grew to go forward when she thought to abandon everything. Its frankness affecting the people, made them more fort.

He was the only one to which he could leave Serah. The only one in which she could have confidence. They would survive on a land as vast as cruel.
Ps: (small message quickly made has kyr) it is useful to remmetre in cause of the hypothesis if this allows you to better understand , this is called Be fan and I do not think that Yggdrasil contradira me!!
Linoa is ultimécia.All element of the scénar concord, but I draw just the attention on the evidence that it is leave for the understand. Squall gives his ring has linoa ds the CD 2. Outside this ring can be renowned. If you made, the G force of ultimécia (which is symbolized by the bushing.) will take this name.....outside linoa only has the ring of squall, symbol of this gf...and this fact, if the name of CHRONOS changes according to what has been written to the CD 2, C is the evidence that linoa is well ultimécia.

What is more, when a geyser sends the spirit of linoa ds the past with the power to ultimécia(its power) toward the body of Adel; this maneuver fails: the evidence we is precisely to give by the fact that linoa retains its limit break canonization, symbol of its state of sorcié, it is normal that this manoeuvr fails, because if a geyser was successful, linoa would no longer have its limit break, but that more have, it would no longer be a sorciére...Therefore, ultimécia would never be born, because its power is would be dissolved ds the past, the Or geyser is censser having send...and the loss of its power, means the death of a sorciére.....and precisely as it does not, (linoa having still its limit) this Is an additional index, (in addition to the evidence of the ring), that linoa is ultimécia.

Finally the death of squall ds the final scene is the éxplication of why linoa became a bad sorciére...(the sorciére becomes bad when their Chevalier die)...which is the case: squall dies at the end. But it is back to life by the love of linoa (the main subject of FF8: Love.), this fact, linoa avoids his fate tragic that it took the "First Time"...precisely because the event of FF8 are a repetition of the tragedy which has led linoa has its transfo in sorciére, Drama avoided by the résuréction squall has the final scene...the loop of the time is "déboucle", and the latter resumed its normal court. At the end of the game, linoa is therefore the most powerful éxistante sorciére, and we also know that it will live longer than squall.( the end of the game ends therefore on the assumption of what will happen to this couple who has avoided its tragic destiny of by the violent death of squall.)

Good, I can not éxpliqué everything here, but it is the same for the flaw temporal: ultimécia cannot kill themselves if it kills linoa, because the temporal flaw is precisely a merger of the past, the present and the future, resulting in the destruction of the Universe....They thus does not have there more of "time" within the meaning logic of the Therme, saw that past, present and future do not exist more....of the coup, linoa may well die, ultimécia will continue in this new universe on which she shall reign as a god.
 knew that Bartholomew Estheim was the father of a the Co. But those who knew were there, somewhere. It was probably mounted on board a vessel for supplies to go unnoticed.
"Once it will be there, we will ensure that you can find in a location to the gap. "
"Thank You… Thank you very much. "
"You do not need to thank me, but we must hurry. We must take advantage of the confusion on the landing runway so you can escape. " ell that we are not of the kind to abandon you.
They were beaten so long together that they knew what each thought and wanted to say. She was certain that the other wanted to bring them back. But simple humans were not in a position to bring the CIE crystallized to life. And it was not a question of breaking the pillar which bore Cocoon…
Could they save without arrive there? Or was it possible to destroy this pillar without damaging cocoon? What it is, the technology currently available to them would not allow them to achieve it.
She was going to have to look for a technology that their would give the power. There should be something that could help them, concealed somewhere on Gran pulse. Or then, a hidden index in a book.
When they came for the first time, they had sought a way to get rid of their brands of the CO. But they were returned to cocoon the empty hands.
 There were still so many places that they had not yet visited. It would perhaps be what it was seeking. The only problem is that it was no longer a the Co. Gran Pulse abounding of monsters of all kinds, and he was not going to be easy to deal with them. The trip would be long.
In all cases, she could not leave Snow The accompany. He had to take care of Serah, make her happy. Lightning turned to the eyes toward the couple, who was walking in front of her.
It was not so long ago that this, it considered that it was she who was responsible for Serah. It is further recalled the days where she took his hand fragile in the Siena when they strolled. It was now time to leave this responsibility to someone else. But this time was already far… snow had already taken, it had simply not realized.

At the beginning, she thought that he was a man of words. But without that it realizes, its words the encouraged, the grew to go forward when she thought to abandon everything. Its frankness affecting the people, made them more fort.

He was the only one to which he could leave Serah. The only one in which she could have confidence. They would survive on a land as vast as cruel.

Be happy, Serah, murmured Lightning smiling. Its burden was a little lightened. She felt well… but also sad, in a certain way. But even in this sadness, there was a peak of satisfaction.
Be happy, Serah, murmured Lightning smiling. Its burden was a little lightened. She felt well… but also sad, in a certain way. But even in this sadness, there was a peak of satisfaction.

Sazh walked toward the point of landing of vessels with the soldiers, Dajh in his arms. It does not replace the parents of a child. Lightning knew something, she who had lost both his parents. She wanted them to be happy as long as possible.

Sazh would in any way occupied by his work of driver. Gran pulse was larger than any inhabitant of Cocoon could not imagine, and vessels would play a very important role in their new life. The skills of Sazh would be more than requested. He could not accompanied in his quest.

And hope not more. It had been strong as the CIE, able to invoke Alexandre, but it was a normal boy again.
en one thinks about it well, in FFVII, we see the same number of characters with a tattoo in the game (that is to say, those to "black hoods", whose numbers 4 and 12) than that of the inhabitants who died at Nibelheim...
... Either, nine...

... If we excluded this man, therefore :/
All the more so that we can all meet, when we control Zack (under the traits of cloud, in the original game and/or on PSP).
And apart from the photographer (who looks like him a "little", dress question), nobody seems fit to be this person.
It would therefore be logical to think that this man is not a victim of Nibelheim.

Even if the lives of all these people were upset, things would eventually be arranged. Schools would open their doors, and hope would resume their way… It was this life that the expected.
She had wanted to grow fast, to protect Serah. But she wanted that on the contrary, hope to take advantage of the time remaining to it, as a child.
To heal the wound that had caused the death of his mother.
It is decided, then, said it. I am the only one that can find a way to save them.
She had never thought that once Serah would be saved, eveThe soldier walked away quickly, then Hope. He had not the time of their say goodbye, only to look them in the eye and the welcome of the head.
"They all leave so quickly…" says Snow, with a peak of sadness. He had always hated to be alone.
"Yes, it is sad but… they will be with their family, now. "
"Yeah… I know. Youpi. "Even if everyone took now its own path, it would not alter the trip they have made all together. Regardless of the distance, they would still be close to each other, in a certain way. As was the case with vanilla and Fang, slumbering in the crystal.

Finally for this which is squall, it has simply forgotten: The gf make us forget our past as it is é^xpliqué DS the game. This combined with the fact that the sorciére vive on several hundred years, linoa will have had all the time to forget her Knight, plunging may a little toward a dark madness the pushing has reigned in master on the universe.
Ultimécia is precisely the symbol that a be Angélique(linoa) may, because of the LOVE( death of squall) become the most abominable of entity....once again, the evidence is given by the ring that one little Rename, the index éssentiel left by the concépteur game on the true identity of linoa, is, therefore, one of the main scénaristique rollover.